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RAM Concept - Concrete slab design software
Powerful design task automation for concrete floors and foundations
Design post-tensioned and reinforced concrete floors and foundations efficiently and incorporate changes with powerful task automation. RAM Concept is the ultimate solution for concrete slabs, mats, and rafts. It empowers you to design floor systems cost-effectively, with exceptional visibility into the compliance, efficiency, and practicality of the design. The design work in RAM Concept can seamlessly extend into the rest of a project for building information modeling, documentation, and collaboration with other structural designers due to its ability to interoperate with other engineering applications and formats. RAM Concept can be used on reinforced, and conventionally reinforced concrete projects.
Add onto RAM Concept with the RAM Concept Post-Tension module. If you already have RAM Concept, you can expand beyond that with the add-on module, RAM Concept Post-Tension, in order to conquer post-tensioned projects.
Design and analyze slabs
Automate time-consuming tasks such as the layout of tendons, design spans, and column and middle strips. Quickly rework floors when you need to make geometric revisions. Eliminate tedious manual iterations with the cloud-based post-tensioned slab optimization feature in order to reduce total tendon, reinforcement, and studded shear reinforcement costs.
Analyze long-term slab deflections and perform load history analysis to calculate for deflections with accurate consideration of time-dependent material behavior, cracking, and load history. Easily consider the effects of cracking, creep, shrinkage, tension stiffening, and load sequence.
Model tendons more realistically

Model banded, distributed, or arbitrary tendons with virtually any profile in their true three-dimensional positions. Get a better understanding of the effects of tendons on the slab with tendon loading analyses that consider full 3D hyperstatic (secondary) effects, including restraint from shear walls and stiff columns.
Perform accurate punching shear analysis
Check punching shear capacity for any slab geometry and reinforce columns below slabs and at transfer columns. Simplify real punching geometry into standard interior, edge, and corner conditions. Automatically design studded shear reinforcement (studrails) to save days of design time.