Tổng quan


Capture, Analyze, And Share Existing Conditions

To improve how you design, construct, operate, and collaborate, add real-world digital context to your projects and quickly address infrastructure challenges and make informed decisions. ContextCapture enables you to automatically generate multi-resolution 3D models at any scale and precision. 






ContextCapture enables to quickly generate detailed 3D reality meshes using photographs or LiDAR point clouds

ContextCapture Center


Generate detailed 3D reality meshes using photographs or Lidar point clouds for the largest scale projects such as cities. ContextCapture Center has great computation power and can easily handle extremely large projects. It leverages grid computing to dramatically speed processing time by running multiple engines on several computers and associating them to a single job queue. You can speed production with the latest computing systems for desktop and cluster processing units, including GPU computing, multicore computing, advanced bundle block adjustment, tiling mechanisms, task queuing and monitoring, grid computing, and ultra-large project management.


ContextCapture Cloud Processing Services


Quickly generate detailed 3D reality meshes using photographs or Lidar point clouds by leveraging cloud processing. Without the need for high-end hardware requirements or IT constraints, you can simplify and scale your projects, allowing anyone on your team to easily document as-is situations affordably and with less investment of time and resources, reducing your costs. Using a desktop or mobile application, you can access the cloud processing service.


Cấu hình

System Requirements
Minimum Hardware
At least 8 GB of RAM and NVIDIA or AMD graphics card, or Intel
integrated graphics processor compatible with OpenGL 3.2 with at least 1 GB of dedicated memory

Recommended Hardware
Microsoft Windows 7/8/10
Professional 64-bit or Linux Ubuntu
18 running on a PC with at least 64
GB of RAM, an Intel I9, 4+ Cores,
4.0+GHz CPU.Hyper-threading should be enabled. NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080/2080Ti GPU. Data should preferably be stored on fast storage devices (fast HDD, SSD, or SAN)

Cloud Services Requirements
ContextCapture Cloud
Processing Console
Application Minimum Hardware:
Operating System:
Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
Processor: Intel® or AMD® processor
1.0 GHz or greater
4 GB minimum
Hard Disk: 2 GB free disk space
NVIDIA or AMD graphics card, or Intel-integrated graphics processor compatible with OpenGL 3.2
Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 or higher
ContextCapture Mobile
Application Minimum Hardware:
iPhone or iPad with iOS 10.3 or higher
Any device running Android
5.1 or higher

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