Before beginning the installation of Smart 3D, verify that your end-user workstation computers meet the following hardware recommendations and software requirements.
Applicable Hardware
Administrative client
Modeling client
Interference detection computer
Drawings batch computer
Name generator computer
Duplication and synchronization computer
SmartPlant Piping Specification Remote computer
Hardware Recommendations
Intel Core i7, Quad Core
6 GB RAM (2 GB RAM for operating system plus 4 GB RAM for single Smart 3D instance. Other concurrently running programs will require additional RAM based on the programs specific requirements.)
Access to a DVD drive, either locally or through a network connection
Monitor capable of a minimum of 1280 x 1024 resolution
Graphics card designed for 3D-intensive applications that meets the following requirements:
32-bit main RGBA pixel buffer
Hardware OpenGL 2.1 support
Hardware Z buffer: 24 bit or higher
256 MB RAM
8-bit stencil buffer
Hardware Alpha blending support
Graphics acceleration set to full
Hardware Anti-aliasing support recommended
Latest available drivers should be installed
1 GbE or higher network interface, latency should be less than 1 ms between client and database server
Video Cards
There have been many enhancements to the graphic engine of Smart 3D. Most issues are resolved by loading the most current display driver or rolling your current display driver back one version. If the current driver does not fix your particular card's problem, then please copy the CoreDisplaySettings.ini file from [Product Folder]/Core/Tools/Administrator/Bin to [Product Folder]/Core/Shared/bin and contact your Smart 3D support representative.
We recommend workstation class graphics cards (designed for use with CAD applications) with as much RAM as is affordable. The minimum RAM is 256MB, but more RAM is better. Because the world of graphics cards changes so quickly, we can only document the specifications required by Smart 3D.

All clients referencing Z+F Point Cloud data need to turn off the Smart 3D hardware with the CoreDisplaySettings.ini file.
When you set the Render Mode to Shaded with Hardware Enhanced Edges in the Format View dialog box, the edges might not display properly. To fix the display, edit the CoreDisplaySettings.ini file as shown:
Ensure that the ViewSettings block is at the top of the file.
Type "DisplayEdgeOnGraphics=1" in the ViewSettings block.
This setting might adversely affect the display performance.
As a supplement to this information, a Microsoft Excel workbook is provided on Smart Support that records anecdotal evidence obtained from users. Please go to Smart Support at and select View Downloads > Smart 3D > Technical Notes and White papers > Display > Graphics cards used with Smart 3D. This list is not comprehensive. In some cases, the Smart 3D middle tier error log (with the error logging level set to at least "2-Detailed") will provide more information. Please see the examples of messages returned in the error log listed below:
The graphics card or graphics card driver does not support Textures/Shaders. An updated graphics driver could improve performance.
This indicates that the graphics adapter, driver or display settings do not support the Shaded with Hardware Enhanced Edges render mode on the Format View dialog box. In addition, the graphics adapter, driver or display settings do not support textures.
The graphics card or graphics card driver does not support Shaders. An updated graphics driver could improve performance.
This indicates that the graphics adapter, driver or display settings do not support the Shaded with Hardware Enhanced Edges render mode on the Format View dialog box. However, textures are supported.
The graphics card or graphics card driver does not support Textures. An updated graphics driver could improve performance.
This indicates that the graphics adapter, driver or display settings do not support textures. However, the Shaded with Hardware Enhanced Edges render mode on the Format View dialog box is supported. Please note that the performance may be slow on an ATI card.
Hardware Acceleration is Turned off VBO Texture and Hardware edges will not be supported.
This message indicates that Hardware Acceleration in Display Settings is disabled or the client is being accessed through Remote Desktop or Citrix Client. This also applies to systems that use Intel chipset graphics acceleration, where hardware acceleration is disabled due to driver stability. If Hardware Acceleration in Display Settings is disabled, it should be enabled by clicking Advanced on the Settings tab of the Display Properties dialog box. Then, the Hardware Acceleration can be modified from the Troubleshoot tab.
Smart 3D supports the modeling of objects within a 100 km range (-50,000 meters to +50,000 meters along each axis) from the global coordinate system origin. However, due to the 32-bit precision limitations of graphic cards, objects modeled further than 10,000 meters (6.2 miles) of the global coordinate system might not display correctly when you zoom in (circular objects will appear distorted for example). If your model coordinate values are large (for example, E = 60,000, N = 55,000), to get the coordinate readout that you want, you should define a coordinate system at correspondingly large negative values (example, E = -60,000, N = -55,000). Then, use the coordinate system that you created as your active coordinate system for modeling and output. Do not bring this new coordinate system into your workspace.
Supported Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - Professional or Enterprise with UAC 'On' at Level 3 (Default) (64-bit) running on a Windows Active Directory domain
Microsoft Windows 8.1 - Professional or Enterprise with UAC 'On' at Level 3 (Default) (64-bit) running on a Windows Active Directory domain
Microsoft Windows 10 with UAC 'On' at Level 3 (Default) (64-bit) running on a Windows Active Directory domain
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard or Datacenter only as a client for Citrix XENApp 7.11
Citrix XENApp 7.11 can be installed only on the Windows Server 2016. The server acts as a client in this case. The Windows Server 2016 operating system can also be used to install an ancillary server, such as IFC, Drawings, or Batch Services. Network latency between remote computer and Citrix server should be less than 150ms on a bandwidth of 70 Kbps per user per screen.
Supported Database Clients
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (Required for Project Management and Interference Checking, otherwise optional)
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (Required for Project Management and Interference Checking, otherwise optional)
Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 2012 (Required for all client computers using Microsoft SQL Server databases and database user authentication)
Oracle 12c R1 (; 32-bit Oracle client (Required for all client computers). 64-bit Oracle client required to use 64-bit Interference Checking and 64-bit Drawings Batch.
Software Prerequisites
Microsoft Edge Browser or Internet Explorer 11 (required for viewing the documentation delivered with the software)
Adobe Reader 11 or later (required for viewing Printable Guides. You can download Acrobat Reader from the Adobe web site.)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later
Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 6.0 SP1
Microsoft Office 2013 or 2016
Intergraph Batch Services SP1 ( if you plan to use the computer for remote batch processing
Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager 2012 (12.0) or later

For specifications regarding minimum hard drive disk space requirements by the product setup, see Disk Partitioning Guidelines.
Dual screen configurations should have either a single graphics card with two VGA outputs or two identical graphics cards. The graphics cards should otherwise meet the requirements of the specified graphics card recommendations.
Use thread safe video drivers and CAD application certified video cards when using multiple processor systems.
Ensure that your system's security certificates are updated prior to installation.
Beginning with Windows 10 and Oracle, Microsoft and Oracle will enforce the Internet Host Table Specification RFC 952 which mandates that component hostname labels can contain only alphanumeric characters. Host names using underscores (‘_’) are not allowed. Refer to Oracle Support Articles 1603775.1 and 1957895.1 and Microsoft KB 101785.