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GTS NX Start Numerical Analysis with Confidence

GTS NX is finite element analysis software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil and rock deformation and stability, as well as groundwater flow, dynamic vibrations and soil-structure interaction in 2D and 3D.
GTS NX is used for analysis, testing, and design by geotechnical, civil, and mining engineers. It is designed to adapt any kind of geotechnical project. The intuitive interface will enable new users to easily integrate the software in their work process.
The fast analysis speed, outstanding graphics, and output capabilities will provide users with a new and advanced level of geotechnical design.

GTS NX Real 3D Geometry Modeling

Fully Integrated CAD Interface
Just import your CAD drawing to GTS NX for geometrical model
Accurately Simulate Terrain and Soil Layers
Generate the most detailed contour models with just a few simple steps
Simple Modeling for Complex Models
Function for modeling complex 3D geometry and applications
Geometry Modeling Automation
Advanced options for modifying geometric entities

GTS NX Powerful Mesh Generator

Hybrid-Mesh Algorithm
Hybrid mesh generation function enables to use the optimal combination of hexahedral and tetrahedral element for providing mode reliable analysis results
Optimized Mesh Generation of Various Element Types 
Ability to generate mesh automatically for any complex geometry or intersecting volumes using the auto-mesh feature

GTS NX  Fast Analysis Solver

High-performance Parallel 64 bit Solver
Based on multi-thread element computation, the solver will calculate the stiffness matrix by distributing the work between the cores. This will speed up the procedure as different parts of the models are handled simultaneously.
GPU Accelerated Computing
Shifting from CPU (Central Processing Unit) to GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) can speed up the process up to 16 times and thus improve work efficiency.

GTS NX Outstanding Post-Processing

Crystal Clear Output
Results are seamlessly organized for your convenience
Extraction and Visualization Results
3D PDF report combining different results and selectively extracting only the pertinent results and including 3D model and analysis results : On-Curve Diagram, Probe Results, Clip & Slice Plane
Excavations and Open Pit
Excavations cover a wide range of geotechnical engineering from building construction to open pit mining.


Pile Foundation
GTS NX handles the full range of foundation analyses. You will be able to perform thorough analyses of spread footings, deep foundations, pile foundations, and shaft foundations.
Tunneling and Mining
GTS NX is fully equipped to model and analyze each phase of tunnel construction, including a simulation of the excavation its
Slope Stability
3D finite element analysis of slopes provides highly detailed results that are far more accurate than...
Soil-Structure Interaction
In structures founded on non-rigid formations, the soil flexibility influences structural response and vice versa.
Groundwater Flow
GTS NX has been used extensively by engineers to analyze the transient flow of homogenous and zoned embankments.
Earthquake Deformations
GTS NX will enable you to fully benefit from the use of 2D and 3D models for seismic analysis.
Dynamic Vibrations
High-speed trains and heavy train loads are normally accompanied with strong vibrations in the track-ground system, which increases the risk of train derailment and track damages.


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