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OpenUtilities Digital Twin Services

Model the Integrated Grid

Make smarter design, planning, and operational decisions with a deeper understanding of your digital grid components

Smarter Grid Management with Digital Twins

Tranform Data into Decisions



Grid Visualization

Visualize and Connect Data

Aggregate and visualize data across domains, including substations.


Break down Silos

Achieve a collaborative working environment between design, planning, and operations.

Unify System Interoperability

Extend the connected data environment by bridging multiple data and third-party systems for a comprehensive view.


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Model validation

Validate Data Integrity

Run automated analysis scripts to detect data quality and modeling issues for ensuring reliable grid simulations.

View Issues On Map

Autogenerate heat maps and reports to view issues on a map and receive data quality score.

Issue Correction Actions

Resolve issues using smart rules, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to issue corrective actions.


Decision Analytics

Gather Business Intelligence

Create business intelligence to make confident decisions using up-to-the-minute analytics with interactive and reactive visuals.

Integrate Design Data

Combine as-built grid information with ongoing design data to readily evaluate design changes before they occur.

Manage Changes Over Time

Maintain a timeline of changes that capture how, when, and by whom data has changed.



Explore the OpenUtilities Solutions Portfolio



OpenUtilities Designer

Intelligent Design for Utility Networks


OpenUtilities Substation

Intelligent Design and Engineering for Substations

OpenUtilities Grid Edge Solutions 

DER Integration Management and Analysis


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